School Timing Needs Rescheduling!

Yesterday I went to pick up my Form 1 sister from school. The session was supposed to end at 6.45 p.m. I let the time fly while observing on the surroundings. Then it hit me. If school time were to end at 6.30 p.m. (primary kids) and 6.45 p.m. (secondary kids), how long would it take for them to finally reach home? I mean, my sister were lucky that she got ride home, but what about others? Those who have to take on the bus or walk home? They probably going to reach home after the day has turned dark, especially on Fridays. Isn't this something that could contribute towards kidnapping?
I remember last time when I was in school, we had to stay back to finish our homework. I reached home at 7.30 p.m. that day. I was lucky because my mother picked me up from school but I can't help but pity those who has to walk or wait for the bus. They must had reached home late and hungry.
I think this issue should be discussed in the parliament and I beg them to consider on the children's safety. The kids are not in the working class to be going home late.

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